Exit planning is strategic planning

Run Your Own Race

Trying to scare you into planning for your business exit is pointless.

And inspiring you to plan is almost as hard.

So why might you want to think about your end-game now?


Most business owners I know want to be in control - of their money, time, business, future.

How better to control future outcomes than to control how you build your business NOW so it will serve your needs LATER.


With each additional dollar in free cash flow and profit you generate, you increase the number of choices you can make - from new hires to a family vacation.

Choice = Freedom.


No business owner has - ever - bragged about how they were forced to sell, got pennies on the dollar for their business, created a mess for their family, or declared bankruptcy.

Winning isn't bragging about how you increased revenue YOY or that you still put in 60-70 hour weeks after doing this for 20 years. It's exiting on your own terms.

Only 30% of the business that go to market will sell.

Successful exits are designed.

Ready to join the 69% of business owners who identified 'exit planning' as one of their top priorities?

Our process includes:

  • A valuation to right-size your expectations about how the market values your business.

  • A business attractiveness assessment that helps you get a clear understanding of where your business value stands now compared to competitors - and what you can do today to increase income and long-term value.

  • A personal readiness assessment that helps you understand your personal and financial goals so you can manage your expectations and prepare for what’s next on your own terms.

  • An integrated plan that prioritizes activities that allow you to achieve your business, personal, and financial goals while building the value of your business.

Learn more about how a business growth strategy designed to increase income AND improve valuation is the bet way to grow.


Family business roots


Achieve your business goals by design