Investing to Grow


I often spend a lot of time with early-stage companies talking about building the team – advisors, employees, partners, etc. This is no less important for experienced business owners and leaders. And both need to invest time and money into the wide variety of talent, systems, and expertise needed to build profitable ventures. What most people miss is that your team includes you and the investments you make in working on your business (and yourself) and not just in it.

Make Time and Money for Your Investment

The trick is making time and money for that investment. It’s hard to do – there is no line on the balance sheet for this asset. It may not have an immediate and directly measurable ROI. Nonetheless, it can make all the difference when it comes to meeting key milestones and maximizing profitability. How much time do you spend building your personal reserve of energy and strength? How do you maintain a sense of gratitude and abundance when times are tough and things don’t go as planned? When do you know that sheer force of will alone will not be enough to make it to the next level?

To Wrap It Up

It can start by prioritizing time to meet with your closest mentors and advisors. Or by carving out time for daily reflection, visioning, and planning. Perhaps it looks like picking five books to read this year or hiring a coach. Whatever investment you feel comfortable starting with is up to you. The key is to start. Get started now by subscribing to the Entrepreneurially Thinking podcast. 




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