Business succession planning is all about identifying the critical positions within your business and taking action to get the right people in those roles.
In order to step out of the day-to-day operations of your business business, it has to be able to run without you. That means you have to have an intentional talent management strategy that recruits and retains great talent, provides employees with growth and advancement opportunities, and proactively trains people to take on new roles and responsibilities.
We’ll help you review your operations and make strategic decisions related to hiring, training and development, and performance management that will enable one or more of the following:
Your business is prepared to
- actively invest in training and promoting talented professionals,
- fill vacancies in key-roles from internal and external talent pools, and
- operate smoothly without you because you no longer occupy an operational role.
Your business can run without you and generate enough net income to
- pay you enough to live the life you want,
- competitively pay the executive(s) needed replace you, and
- create sufficient profit and cash flow to support continued growth.
Your business can be sold and
- run without you without losing value,
- have sufficient resources to support long-term growth, and
- immediately add value to the new owner's portfolio with a clear path to continued/increased profitability.